Saturday, February 28, 2009

Homeless family

Not only are there homeless men and women flooding the New York City streets but now there are young children joining them in this poor, unfortunate lifestyle. When a family becomes homeless and kicked into the street it is everyone within the household that suffers, not just the parents or older children. In some fortunate households, homeless children can possibly stay with other relatives or friends of the family that are in a position to take them in. Some often choose not to take that route because they want to stay with there parents. The community tries and find a home for the homeless because there are just so many of them that it is very difficult. They have to go through tedious work like going through a screening process.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Homeless people on the Holidays

This article discusses the topic of homeless people not having a place to stay for the holidays. Its very depressing when homeless people have to stay in a room full with forty strangers in order to celebrate the holidays rather than be around their loved ones. In the article a man named Danny was lucky that he had family to let him stay for the holidays. He was a young man who took his chances and pursued his long time aspirations in making it as an artist. Fortunately his plans didn't fall through for him. Some of these homeless people without a place to stay for the holidays are with out heat and some without food. This is very depressing as you read the article.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Statistics of the Homeless

Each year over 100,000 New Yorkers become homeless. Over 38,000 people sleep in homeless shelter. 1 -20 residents of New York City has experienced homelessness. These are some statistics of homeless people.Homeless people are becoming an epidemic that continues to spiral out of control.

Did you Know?

This video was very amusing but so very true. The internet is taking over america, over the world. We already have the internet in every electronic device we have. The video below shows you how much the internet is taking over all of America. I learned alot through this video & i hope 2 learn more about this matter.

This video was incredible.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

In 1979, Goddard Riverside established one of New York City’s first mobile street outreach teams. This tried 2 help homeless people in nyc have stability & it tried 2 guide them back to a normal life. It provided shelter, food, and it als provided  help 2 a better life.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

The department of homeless services are going through multiple procedures to help the homeless in NYC. One way that they are doing is by creating surveys. The results have recorded thousands of un-sheltered people living on the streets. sub ways, & parks around the city. Determining  the amount of homeless people is quite difficult due to the fact of duplications & inaccuracies. In order to distinguish one homeless person from getting interviewed again, the volunteers who interviewed homeless people for the survey are asked to give examples of un usual appearances to prevent inaccuracies  or duplications.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This article is about how NYC began the new year with the largest numbers of homeless men & women (article)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Just The Beginning

There are different types of homeless people in the world today. There are homeless people that are derelict, homeless people that live in a shelter, homeless people that live in a foster home and many more.

Monday, February 2, 2009

New York Times

I read the New York Times everyday