Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spreading Humanity One Step at a Time...

With the rapid increase of homeless people across the globe it is refreshing to see that there are people out there that want to help. Some of these people are college students.They realize that this could be them right now but they are fortunate enough to not be in that situation and appreciate the quality of life that they have. An example of this are the service trips that some colleges have for their students. Students travel to different parts of the globe or even parts of the U.S. like Louisiana, to lend a hand in anyway possible and learn something about the culture or people that they didn't know before.



  1. It is nice to see people who are willing to help others in such gloomy and difficult times. Those pictures give me a lot of renewed faith and optimism in people and make me realize that we are a very caring nation. We really are willing to help each other when we are down on our luck, and need a helping hand.

  2. Its refreshing to see people our age that have a genuine concern for the homeless. I have done some volunteer work in my life, so i understand fully what it means to give. We can only keep what we have by giving it away. This is inspiring, and i just might get involved in the summer in something along these lines. Thanks for the post it was inspirational i look forward to reading more in the future keep up the good work.
